Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Kitten World Cup

Filmed on location in our apartment in Toronto, Canada, here's what happened when our black foster kittens took on our grey foster kittens at soccer. Drum roll please, it's the final of the Kitten World Cup ...

This film was made to promote our foster kittens who are all desperate to find a happy, loving permanent home. As you can no doubt tell from the video, they are all so much fun and a real joy to have around so please, if you or anyone you know are interested in adopting them call 416.840.6357 or email ASAP. If you still need convincing, here's a bit more info on each of the kittens in their own words:

''I may be the other kittens’ Mommy but I’m only a year old so still pretty much a baby myself. I wouldn’t want to seem vain, but people do tell me I’m a sleek, pretty, agile little kitty and that I could have been a ballerina in another life with my petite physique.

I purposely keep my golden eyes wide like saucers because I find people keep calling me cute that way and insist on petting me. When they give me food, it’s a bonus. My foster Mom says I’m really intelligent but, again, I don’t want to seem like I’m bragging. I’m quite chilled out because, you know, you’ve got to enjoy life and take it easy. In this mode, it’s absolute heaven when somebody gently scratches my head. When this happens, I raise my head to the sky, open my mouth, press my bum to the ground and shift from foot to foot in ecstasy. My foster parents say I’m strange for doing this but it feels good enough for me.

They also think I’m strange for wiggling my whiskers every time they make a little kissing noise. They call it my party trick. Surely they have more entertaining things in their life? Contrary to my chilling mode, I simply cannot restrain myself if someone brings a piece of string out and waves it around in my line of vision, Something within me brings on an irresistible urge to leap and dash and sprint and dive and when I eventually get the end of the string, you can bet your granny’s mattress I’ll never let go no matter how hard you pull.

*Sigh* Here’s my “party trick”:''


''I may look a lot like my brother Elliot but we’re quite different, really. Elliot’s the guy everyone wants to be friends with, but apparently I’m the one everyone can really “connect” with. I think that’s because I love spending time with the people who show me love. I can really feel when somebody cares about me and that makes me want to attach myself to them, sometimes quite literally.

My foster family reckon I take after my mom in that I get whatever I want because of my big, round eyes. I may always look alert because of it but at least I get attention and people don't seem to mind so much when they find me perching on their back every time they bend over. I like being high up, though. Perching on people's shoulders is my favourite thing because I get to see the big world from a good vantage point whilst being able to snuggle against a warm neck.

My foster mom promised me that I'm the kind of kitten people will be queuing up to adopt. I hope she's right and I hope I'll also have a catty friend to play with wherever I go. I prefer company of others' to my own!''

''I may be a kitten, but I’m macho, you know. The other kittens are jealous of my muscles and think I’ve been working out in private. I haven’t, of course, it’s just that I understand the importance of a balanced diet and exercise. Everyone thinks I inherited my absent father’s genes because my mom, Celia, is quite petite.

Just because I’m a muscle cat doesn’t mean I don’t take pride in the finer parts of my appearance. My fur is unbelievably soft and thick when I groom myself, I make sure my whiskers are aligned perfectly. I walk around as though the living room’s a catwalk but come on, aren’t I a cat? With a face like this, it’s rude not saunter around like I own the place.

I like all the usual catty games, especially soccer, so I won’t disappoint, but I’ve also been learning to walk on a harness and leash in the hopes that I can explore the great outdoors with my human companion (I dream big). I catch onto things quick, you see, and I’m always eager to learn. Look at me. Can you resist me? Can you?''

''As you can see, I'm a black and white tuxedo kitten, but nothing about me is gentlemanly. I like the fact that my dainty sleekness is in contrast to my brothers' boisterous and boyish ways. They're so silly sometimes so as their more sensible sister, I often have to put them in their place. I might be smaller than them, but they know I can mean business when I want to.

With my foster family, on the other hand, it's a different story. They're always praising me for being a good kitty because I never do anything really naughty, despite my love of playing and wrestling with the others. They know they can rely on me for a cuddle and hardly have to do a thing to get me to purr. It's a win-win situation because I love being touched and stroked. My foster mommy says I have a big heart but I'm pretty sure it's the same size as most kitties'.

Here's a picture of a rare moment where I relinquished my favourite mouse toy and was trying desperately to get it back. I love carrying it around in my mouth and making funny murmuring noises. It makes my brother so jealous and now the little blighters all copy me!''

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